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Students explore the latest STEM careers – the science and the scientists – through videos, research and discussion.

The STEM Careers Packs aim to make students aware of the wide variety of STEM careers. They help students understand the importance of scientific knowledge, how science influences society, and how society influences science (i.e. Science as a Human Endeavour).

During their explorations, students will appreciate how the different areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics interact and are interdependent, whilst developing STEM literacies and competencies.

In STEM Pack 5: 3D Printing students learn broadly about jobs in the 3D Printing Industry and also consider the impact of 3D printing on their everyday lives.

In conjunction with the tasks in this pack, students could also explore the wide-ranging science applications of the technology. Some areas to consider include the human body and medicine/surgery, biological research, engineering roles and the manufacture of parts to assist with roles in a range of careers, space travel and exploration, electrical circuit manufacture and energy generation components.

These would map to multiple areas of the Biological, Chemical, Earth & Space and Physical Sciences curriculum under the Science Understanding strand.

All tasks in this pack are mapped to Science as a Human Endeavour as well as the Core Capabilities from the National Curriculum.

Please note: Some of the links to videos in this STEM Pack are temporarily unavailable. Watch the Working In… videos from this pack here.

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Years: 7, 8, 9, 10, 12


Biological Sciences – The Body

Chemical Sciences – Unit 4: Structure, synthesis and design

Earth and Space Sciences – The Solar System

Physical Sciences – Energy

Additional: Careers, Technology, Engineering, Ethics

Concepts (South Australia):

Biological Sciences – Form and Function

Earth and Space Sciences – Earth in Space

Physical Sciences – Energy

